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Stark: Because the Dodgers can

Six years and almost $150M for free-agent ace Zack Greinke? Sure, why not!

No, not the national debt. We're talking about the payroll of those Los Angeles Dodgers, obviously.

Unless something unforeseen happens, the Dodgers are about to make Zack Greinke the highest-paid right-handed pitcher in the history of right-handedness, and the second-highest-paid pitcher of all time, behind only the still-left-handed CC Sabathia.

And what does that mean? Only the Dodgers' accountants know for sure. But here is the mathematical portion of this equation, as best we can compute it:
• Zack Greinke is about to earn approximately $147 million through 2018.
• Adrian Gonzalez is owed $127 million through 2018.
• Carl Crawford is due $102.5 million through 2017.
• Matt Kemp has $108 million coming through 2019.
• Andre Ethier is owed $85 million through 2017.

Whew. Got that?

That comes to more than a half-billion dollars (about $569.5 million, in case your hard drive just blew up before it computed it). For five players. Five.

And guess what? They're not done.

[See original news feed here]
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